Sunday, April 4, 2010

I need to improve myself

semalam sempena karnival Sukan Kolej RCMP, aku bermain futsal..seronok tapi ape kan daya, nasib tidak menyebelahi kitorang..sori sori sori..

seri sekali + menang sekali + kalah sekali = No. 4

tadi menonton perlawanan bowling, tiba2 terpegun tengok orang bermain snuker, kami pun ape lagi..try test

hehe best gak ar..boleh lah menceburkan diri dalam sukan snuker plak pasni (aik, snuker tu sukan kerrr?) dan yang pasti, azam terbaruku ---> nak try sume sukan kalo boleh..hee

then, jalan2 kat MPH, terjumpe buku ni, menarik dan menarik...'Diary of Wimpy Kid'..novel bergambar..ape lagi aku pun try test beli....hoho

"You know how you're supposed to come up with a list of "resolutions" at the beginning of the year to try to make yourself a better person? Well the problem is, it's not easy for me to think of ways to improve myself, because I'm pretty much one of the best people I know!" said Wimpykid....


And I know, my exam is just around the corner, but it looks like I'm still blurr blurr and bla bla bla anyway, so I guess for now this is


see yaa..daa

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Bebelan bebas

     Semalam aku oncall. Biasalah, busy. Hanya ada seorang Housemen untuk cover Labour Room dan PAC. Mo pula ada dua. Alhamdulillah semuanya...