Wednesday, June 1, 2011

My current updates!

Hye ALL! I guess, my stress level has increased recently. It’s probably due to a combination of hot temperature and increase in goal-directed activity. If I could, I’d go back to my hometown for a week. It’s the best method I have to de-stress! I haven’t met my family in over a month. 

Actually, I had every intention of going for one last week, but then I had to attend classes and went back to Ipoh earlier, plus I had to attend volley ball training and pick up the morning bus, plus I need to study in preparation for my Final Examination. Exam?? Psst, I have less than 20 weeks (T-T).

I’m too tired to say more. Uh! But I’m happy because I managed to spend my little time with my beloved family last week although it was only 3 days duration. Ya Allah, Alhamdulillah!
Also, just in case anyone out there is curious what my schedule is for this week, here ya go:
  • Mon : No class + attend training + study
  • Tues : Attend classes & training + study
  • Wed : Attend classes & training + study
  • Thurs : Attend classes & training + study
  • Fri : Attend classes & training + study
  • Sat : Training + ??
  • Sun : Training + ?? 
Alhamdulillah, finally we have a coach for our Volley Ball team! Please pray for our success in "Karnival Sukan Siswa UniKL" [KSSU] !


adrinaqamarina said...

kte pon tengah final jugak ni akak~ huuuu.

lama tak main volley ball!

Mahfuzah said...

Study life is cool & interesting!! after graduate, no more like that... huhuu... so, enjoy!!!!!!....

Kisah Tuan Rumah dan Kawan Lama

 Salam. Pagi tadi aku terbaca tweet ni, dia seorang suami yang ingin bercerita tentang isterinya yang sangat teruja setelah mendapat jemputa...